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WarcraftPets Discord Server

The WarcraftPets Discord channel is available to all pet collectors and battlers! This amazing and active community has become another great place to talk pets. Please stop by and say hi! :D

What is Discord?
Discord is a voice and text chat application designed specifically for gamers. It is available on your PC, on the web or on your phone.

How do I get Discord?
There are three ways:
1. Use your web browser (nothing to install, runs slower). Visit https://discordapp.com/ and click "Open Discord in your browser". Pick a username, prove you're a human, and you're ready.
2. Use the Discord Desktop app (runs faster). Visit https://discordapp.com/ and click "Download for Windows" or "Download for OS X" depending on your platform. Run the installer (Windows) or drag Discord to your Applications folder (macOS)
3. Use the Discord Mobile app (on-the-go). Install Discord from the App Store, Google Play, or wherever you get apps.

How to join the WarcraftPets Discord Server?
1. Click the "Add Server" button (looks like a circled +)
2. Click "Join a Server",
3. Enter the server address, https://discord.gg/FBtGdKU
4. Click "Join".

Discord Guidelines
These are the guidelines to the WarcraftPets Discord Server. Joining the server means you acknowledge and agree to the following conditions:

1. No harassment, hate speech, racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, trolling, etc. We reserve the right to ban anyone immediately and without warning when exhibiting any such behavior.
2. No pornography, violence, or anything that would be considered not safe for work (NSFW). This is a family-friendly channel. If you are unsure if a posting is NSFW, err on the side that it probably is.
3. Postings asking for game time, gold, pets, crowdfunding campaigns, Twitch streams, YouTube channels, or other egregious self-promotion is frowned upon and will likely earn you a warning or another disciplinary action.
4. No postings of memes, ASCII or Unicode art, and the like.
5. Be mindful of the channels available and stick to their topics; they're described below.
6. Unapproved bots will be banned with zero warning.
7. Please do not spam anyone with @ mentions.
8. Please do not unnecessarily scroll the text. We prefer longer, more thought-out postings; and you can always edit your past postings to include your afterthoughts.
9. Illicit activities such as illegal downloads, game mods, piracy and anything else that goes against the World of Warcraft TOS is strictly forbidden and will result in instantaneous removals.
10. Drama belongs on role-play realms, not here. Work to defuse conflict and recognize that in a text- or voice-only medium, many nuances of communication such as inflection and body language are lost.
11. Lurkers welcome.

Disciplinary Actions
To keep the server respectful and the atmosphere positive, disciplinary actions may be issued to anyone who violates the terms above at our discretion. Usually a warning is given first, but we reserve the right to extend greater penalties when we feel they're warranted.

First offense: Private warning
Second offense: Temporary chat mute (duration of the mute depends on the severity of the offense)
Third offense: Permanent ban

WarcraftPets is not responsible for the outcome of trades conducted through this Discord channel. We expect that all members who decide to trade with others will do so with honor and integrity. We will NOT moderate any disputes that might arise. Please settle the matter in private. Naming and shaming or calling out specific persons is not allowed, and doing so may result disciplinary action.

The Discord Channels
#welcome — It tells you the rules and the reason for the server.
#news — General news and announcements from WarcraftPets and affiliates like Wowhead.
#general — General discussion. Anything goes but we prefer it pet related.
#content_creators — Where those of you who create original stuff can discuss your craft and share your works.
#collectors_corner — Gotta catch 'em all!
#brawlers_channel — For pet PvP
#contests — Pet battle challenges, giveaways, etc.

Source: https://warcraftpets.com/community/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=17306

Posted by: delcieremmee0192887.blogspot.com